Because Rian Johnson likes us and wants us to have fun watching his new movie Knives Out, he made an audio commentary track was available to pair with the movie. This is the third time Johnson has released a director's commentary track to listen to as you watch one of his movies while it's still in theaters. Previously, Johnson released tracks for The Brothers Bloom and Looper. On Friday, Johnson hopped on Twitter to share all of the details about the audio commentary track, why he made another one, and how fans can get their hands on it …
The new Blu-ray of Stuber only has about four deleted scenes and they total only about five minutes, but I wanted to draw attention to them because I appreciate that director Michael Dowse and star Kumail Nanjiani were willing to point out why a scene was left on the cutting room floor. Too often with a deleted scene, the common refrain from the commenter (assuming one is even included) is that all the stuff was great, there was just no time for it. Dowse and Nanjiani are fully willing to admit why certain scenes didn’t work, and I …
Given the fanfare with which Avengers: Endgame was released, it feels like we heard directors Joe and Anthony Russo and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely talk about pretty much every single aspect of the film. But you may be surprised to learn there’s even more insight to be gleaned from the audio commentary track on the Blu-ray release of the movie, in which the Russo Brothers, Markus, and McFeely talk about the making of Avengers: Endgame for three hours. This is the highest-grossing film of all time, but also one of the most complicated productions in …