Under the alias of Lemony Snicket, Daniel Handler wrote several novels, including his most famous and successful: A Series Of Unfortunate Events. The first installment in the series was published in 1999, and the next twelve books followed soon after, with the series concluding in 2006. A Series Of Unfortunate Events was beloved by many, including the generation that grew up reading it. With Daniel Handler's witty, sharp, sardonic writing as Lemony Snicker, and Brett Helquist's unique illustrations, the book series was an iconic piece of history. The news of Netflix's adaptation, helmed by Neil Patrick Harris, was well-received.
A Series of Unfortunate Events recently concluded its three-season run after twenty-five episodes, and the results were extraordinary. Despite a few differences between the show and the books, it is still the most faithful adaptation put to screen, and it received positive reviews all throughout its run.
So, the characters from A Series of Unfortunate Events will never end up at Hogwarts...though we're sure that some of them would love the opportunity. But what houses would they end up in, given the chance to find out?