By now, we have all undoubtedly watched Matt Reeves' delicious The Batman camera test, revealing Robert Pattinson in his deliciously costumed glory, about 9,000 times. We've soaked in his jawline, the Bat symbol breast plate's stylishly frayed qualities, the woozy, hazy red DP Greig Fraser cast everything in. It's all great! But, listen up. Literally. As composer Michael Giacchino actually scored this camera test with what's either going to be some music we'll hear in the final cut, some experimental demos that will develop into what we'll hear in the final cut, or …
Ah, Cats. Of all the ambitious, star-studded Awards contenders on the market, none has sparked the fascination, nay, the pure visceral horror that Tom Hooper's has since the fateful day the first trailer dropped online and sent the internet into a collective existential crisis. What IS this movie? Honestly, just all of the key questions -- who, what, why, when, and how? The objectively horrifying trailer aside, there's no denying that Cats has a boatload of bigtime talent attached to the project, and that includes one Taylor Swift, who doesn't just star in the film -- she co-…