Will Smith and Martin Lawrence reacted to Jason Kelce's explanation as to why he doesn't wash his feet.
The fate of an Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker who has been missing since November 4, may have been revealed.
Cameron Diaz celebrates her new life away from the cameras by leaving her face unwashed and alone.
Film and TV production may be shut down all across the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn't mean our favorite creators and performers aren't keeping us well fed with new content. Yes, we've all agreed to collectively wince past that "Imagine" video, but there are also folks out there trying to spread a more practical helping message -- wash your dang hands, folks. The cast of HBO's exceptional Watchmen series reunited (from a safe social distance via their phones) to film a delightful, in-character hand-washing PSA. Series creator Damon Lindelof …
You’ve heard of white-washing, but Taika Waititi is highlighting a grave new problem that’s plaguing Hollywood - the Kiwi-washing of Nazi despots.