Top Gun: Maverick just might bring the need for speed, but will you need tissues?
The trailer for Doctor Who season 12 teases Cybermen, Judoon and a Racnoss, but it may also hint at a progression of the Timeless Child story.
One of the biggest tragedies of the new Star Wars sequels is the fact the great Carrie Fisher died before she could reprise the role of Leia Organa one last time for The Rise of Skywalker. The actress will appear in director J.J. Abrams' film thanks to a few cut-and-pasted clips from The Last Jedi, but according to her own brother, Todd Fisher, the plans for Fisher were originally much more important. Talking to Yahoo, Fisher said that Leia would have essentially been the last Jedi, playing a pivotal role in taking down the First Order in …