Bubble Bubble Meows and the Things That Happen in Movies Like This

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Adventure, Fantasy, Musical, Animation, Family, Comedy
Country:United States
Produced By:Matt Orefice, Luke Sieczek, Stijn Vandegaer, Andrew Orefice
Directed By:Matt Orefice
Written By:Matt Orefice
Cast:Linda Gamman, Travis Doane, Nico Seal, Mark Stoner, Nahoko Ueda, Olivera Jankovska, Kristina Lenss, Daniel J. Harmon, Tushar Bajaj, Jan O'Neill, Andrew Orefice, Joe Giffels, Diego Velasco, Don Pennell, Helen MacQueen, Laurie Stephan
In Theaters:Aug 04, 2016
Runtime:1 hour 22 minutes