Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipes

There exists a Russian idiom, "to go through fire, water and brass pipes" (пройти огонь, воду и медные трубы) meaning approximately "to go to hell and back"; in other words, to persevere in the face of extreme adversity.

The young collier Vasya goes into the forest to collect firewood. In a clearing he spies the lovely Alyonushka grazing her goat Byelochka. As soon as he has fallen in love with the girl, werewolves appear and kidnap her to deliver to the wicked Koshchei. To rescue his beloved, Vasya must go through a literal version of the titular proverb: first he must pass through the kingdoms of fire and water, then contend with the more challenging "brass pipes", that is, to resist the temptation of fame and flattery. Read more on Wikipedia.