Scientists have found an ancient forest hidden within a giant sinkhole, which could be home to previously unknown species. It's all vaguely reminiscent of the Hollow Earth from Godzilla vs. Kong... but there's no sign of any kaiju yet.
Mark Hamill delivers a classic response to scientists finding a fossilized claw.
Scientists have created embryos that are a mix of human and monkey cells, with the aim of understanding more about how cells communicate with each other.
Scientists experimenting on a tiny particle called a muon might have discovered evidence that a new and unknown fifth force of nature exists.
Scientists are creating "smart tattoos" that use the technology in TVs and phone screens to make tattoos glow.
Scientists have proposed a new theory that could explain the origin of the celestial body that is largely attributed as the cause of the mass extinction event that wiped out dinosaurs.
Scientists have discovered an infernal exoplanet covered in oceans of lava and where it rains rocks. Basically, it's Mustafar from Star Wars, the lava planet where Darth Vader lives.
Scientists have been unable to conclude that ancient DNA can viably last for millions of years inside insects preserved in resin, thus dampening the hopes of real-life John Hammonds everywhere.
New research into velociraptor fossils suggests that raptors hunted alone rather than in packs like Jurassic Park portrays.
How are musical Valley Girl remake, Clark Duke's Arkansas, and Spaceship Earth? Here are our reviews.
Studiocanal has released the first trailer for Radioactive. Directed by Marjane Satrapi (The Voices), the film stars Rosamund Pike as brilliant scientist Marie Curie and follows her groundbreaking research on the discovery of radioactivity. However, she must endure not only societal stagnation but the health costs of handling radioactive material. Adam Chitwood caught the movie at TIFF last year and gave it a positive review. In his review, he wrote: Satrapi gracefully lets the audience in on the impact of Curie’s work by intermittently intercutting short scenes depicting applications of Curie’s discovery decades later. These range from the …
Scientists have found a way to modify lead's properties, making it stronger than steel.
After studying mice brain cells, it appears we may not process visual imagery quite how we thought.
The Mandalorian's Baby Yoda is wanted by the Empire, but we don't know why. What do they intend to do with it once they get it back again?
Data scientists have turned internet searches into a ranking of The Hills and The Hills: New Beginnings castmembers based on popularity.
One of the best things to happen in the wake of last year's Crazy Rich Asians phenomenon was the resurgence of Michelle Yeoh, who absolutely deserved an Oscar nomination for her impressive performance. The success of that film led to Yeoh getting her own Star Trek: Discovery spinoff as well as a key role in Paul Feig's new comedy Last Christmas, and now she has signed on to join James Cameron's Avatar sequels, it was announced Monday on Twitter. Yeoh will play a scientist named Dr. Karina Mogue in multiple sequels to the highest-grossing film of …