After the ending of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, many dinosaurs live among humans in the new short film Jurassic World: Battle at Big Rock.
The short film following the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom dropped with little advance warning.
Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World-inspired short film Battle at Big Rock is now available for your viewing pleasure. Complete with bonafide Hollywood talent both in front of the camera and behind it, this short film takes place in a world where humans and dinosaurs co-exist, though not always peacefully. Carnivores are going to do what they were evolved to do, just the same as veggiesaurs, but in our modern world these prehistoric predators are discovering that we humans can make for some tasty morsels. The bad news for these big guys is that our ability to use tools …
Our first look at a world filled with dinosaurs
The Colin Trevorrow-directed Jurassic World short is out now, and you can watch it inside.
The new Jurassic World short film, Battle at Big Rock, has been released online, and it's actually better than either of the previous two movies.
A family comes face to face with the escaped dinosaurs from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in new short film Battle at Big Rock.
Here's what you need to know about the two dinosaurs joining the Jurassic World franchise in Colin Trevorrow's short film, Battle at Big Rock.
In this day and age when any major film production eventually gets leaked online, it’s incredibly hard to create anything under the radar. However, that’s exactly what director Colin Trevorrow and his cast and crew managed to pull off last year in Ireland when they secretly shot the eight-minute Jurassic World short film, Battle at Big Rock! With the short film airing this Sunday, September 15 on FX after Jurassic World (it'll be online immediately after), I recently landed an exclusive interview with Trevorrow about the project. He talked about where and when the short film …
Before Colin Trevorrow returns to Jurassic World for the third film in the franchise, the director is apparently giving audiences a glimpse on the small screen. Trevorrow announced today plans for Battle at Big Rock, a "Jurassic World Short Film" debuting on FX on Sunday, September 15. Accompanying the announcement were Jeff Goldblum's ominous words from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: “These creatures were here before us. And if we’re not careful, they’ll be here after.” Battle at Big Rock was reportedly written by Emily Carmichael (Pacific Rim: Uprising), features cinematography by Larry Fong (Kong: Skull Island), and …
Jurassic World short film Battle at Big Rock releases this Sunday on FX, reveals a new poster shared by writer-director Colin Trevorrow.