Baby Geniuses and the Mystery of the Crown Jewels

MPAA Rating:G
Genre:Adventure, Family, Romance
Country:United States
Directed By:Sean McNamara
Written By:Robert Grasmere, Francisca Matos, Steven Paul
Cast:Dominic Burgess, Asher Farmer, Ryley Sudduth, Casey Graf, Alyssa Brown, Jaime Andrews, Finn Predeger, Reid Predeger, Andy Pandini, Skyler Shaye, Kaitlyn Brown, Jon Voight, Kaylee Sudduth, Beth Payne, Ethan Coach, Brenden Farmer, Justin Coach, Rob Bruner
In Theaters:Feb 05, 2013
Runtime:1 hour 19 minutes
Production:Kid Play Entertainment, SprocketHeads
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu