As the jury in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation trial has continued to deliberate, a very important distinction has come into question.
Many fans are wondering whether Paul McCartney subtly showed some support for Johnny Depp at a recent concert.
The Harry Potter movies are faithful adaptations of the books for the most part, but here are 10 ways Hermione is different.
There's no doubt in our minds that Neville was one of the hidden heroes of the Harry Potter series but the movies changed him. Heres how.
The Harry Potter movies aren't exactly faithful to their source material, and here are 10 major things the filmmakers altered about Sirius Black.
The Harry Potter films miss quite a bit from the books - especially when it comes to Ron Weasley.
The Harry Potter books are full of many details and moments, so the movies had to cut many things out or change them to make sense in a visual medium.