Kings of Mulberry Street

Set in the fictionalised Sugarhill District in early 1980s, the storyline of the film revolves around the adventures of two young Indian boys who have to desperately find a way somehow to overcome the challenges and obstacles in order to defeat the bullying local crime landlord who is threatening their families.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family
Country:South Africa
Directed By:Judy Naidoo
Written By:Judy Naidoo
Cast:Keshan Chetty, Thiru Naidoo, Rizelle Januk, Aaqil Hoosen, Shaan Nathoo, Edward Liebenberg, Dwijesh Ramnath, Kimberly Arthur, Chris Forrest, Neville Pillay, Hamish Kyd, Kogie Naidoo, Amith Sing, Thiru Naidoo
In Theaters:N/A
Runtime:1 hour 27 minutes
Read More On:Wikipedia