Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse writers Phil Lord and Chris MIller reveal that the upcoming sequel will use different art styles for each dimension in the Spider-Verse.
Stranger Things fans are still trying to find ways in which Hopper could have survived, and a recent theory suggests the answer is in Interstellar.
From Buttworld to Hamster-In-Butt World, we're ranking some of the wildest dimensions Rick and Morty have ever visited!
Agents of SHIELD finally revealed the truth about Sarge. We explain how Sarge came to possess the body of Phil Coulson and his true name and identity.
Consider, if you will, the perfect time for the return of The Twilight Zone, a time when the machines run the show, the brands talk back, and nothing, not even the news, is what it seems. A time like right now. But much like another zoned-out head-tripper once said, "time is a flat circle," so maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that the last few years also saw the rise of the ideal person to replace the original sci-fi philosopher, Rod Serling. I'm talking about Jordan Peele, the sketch comedian turned modern day horror maestro …
In bonus footage for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, J.K. Rowling states the two wizards had a sexual depth to their relationship, but that she is more interested in the emotional side.