
Exposure is a 2023 American psychological thriller film written and directed by Peter Cannon. It stars Douglas Smith, Margo Harshman, Abraham Rodriguez, Ryan Whitney, Alex Feldman, Kevin McCorkle, Gary Poux and Chanel Minnifield.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United States
Directed By:Peter Cannon
Cast:Alex Contreras, Ryan Newman, René Ashton, Alex Feldman, Zachary Webber, Ben Dukes, Jay Bingham, Dusty Sorg, Tracey Ann-Marie Nelson, Samuel Code, Gary Poux, Chanel Minnifield, Margo Harshman, Kevin McCorkle, Douglas Smith, Gordon James Jr., Abraham Rodriguez
In Theaters:Jul 09, 2024
Runtime:1 hour 52 minutes
Production:Leviathan Filmworks
Available On:Amazon, Itunes
Read More On:Wikipedia