From creator Vera Miao, The CW’s Two Sentence Horror Stories (which started out on CW Seed and is now airing on The CW) is an anthology of contemporary tales of horror inspired by the viral fan fiction idea comprised of two sentences. No matter the advancements in technology, social progress, inequality and environmental degradation, we are still haunted by universal primal fears, filtered through our anxieties, and that’s explored in this series that will send shivers down your spine. During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, executive producer/writer/director Vera Miao talked about her unusual …
As long as there's been fiction there's been flash fiction, history's most bite-sized form of storytelling that packs theme, character development, and world-building into as small a word-count as possible. It's an art form that's evolved over time—from the earliest fables to "For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never Worn", to Snapchat stories and that 280-character tweet about the good dog you saw at brunch—but in recent years its thrived in a spot pretty much tailor-made for the form: the attention span-deficient world of online horror. From that community …