Everybody knows that Legolas and Gimli initially dislike each other in The Lord of the Rings. But what caused the tension between Elves and Dwarves?
The finale of The Two Towers sees elves and men unite against the forces of Saruman, but Tolkien's original Lord of the Rings book was different.
Unlike the books, the Harry Potter movies skimmed over a lot about house elves, so here are ten hidden details you might not have caught about them.
Dobby is one of those characters that people either love or hate. He is one of the House Elves that make an appearance during the Harry Potter series, and, though he is one of many, he is one of the few that’s actually given a name in the series.It may come as no surprise to hear that the movies actually left quite a lot out about these helpful little creatures. They were rather limited on time, after all. And some of the things they didn’t leave out, they changed.
From Hippogriffs to Hungarian Horntails, J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World is abundant with magical creatures and beings. Throughout this pantheon of monsters and beasts is a wide array of consciousness. One of the more sentient creatures are the small race of servants known as House-Elves. This class is bound to serve the Wizarding World for life in their homes and institutions.
Legolas is definitely the most iconic and well-known elf Tolkien created after being featured in all six of the Middle-Earth movies to make it to the big screen. While Legolas is a pretty cool elf, and they definitely made him even cooler and more powerful in the films, there are a lot of lesser-known elves Tolkien created who are even more rad. Tolkien created an entire world, and he detailed the history of the elves in many of his other books such as The Silmarillion and Children of Húrin. Dedicated book fans know that there a lot of pretty kick-ass elven characters that never made it to the Lord of the Rings films.
Lord of the Rings has many different races. Among them are the beautiful, ancient, and almost god-like Elves. They have long lifespans, magic, and are skilled fighters as well as healers.