Having film adaptations of all the Harry Potter books now seems like destiny, but Tom Felton admits it wasn't always guaranteed.
Here's some things about the world of Harry Potter we generally overlook.
Here are some things about the Bond franchise we just accept.
The last Game of Thrones season is right around the corner. In fact, fans have been patiently waiting for its return. They're eager to see how the show will end. On the other hand, fans are sad to see the show go. Of course, fans watch the show closely and don't miss a thing. They catch each hint and clue. A lot has gone on in the show. At the same time, a lot happened before the first episode. The show has a rich history that impacts current events.
As fans of anime will know, things tend to get all kinds of kooky around here. There are huge, dramatic fight scenes, a whole tidal wave of emotions, story arcs that are just brilliantly nonsensical at times… they’re like animated soap operas, essentially, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.