One of The Hunger Games' prequel's screenwriters shares why the ending of Rachel Zegler's Lucy Gray Baird isn't straightforward.
Come read this after you've watched Extraction!
Movie endings don't need a solid conclusion to be satisfying. If you need proof, check out these awesome ambiguous endings.
The Warner Bros. film Joker, which racked up 11 Oscar nominations last week, is not your traditional comic book adaptation. That’s true of not just the narrative of the film—in that it’s a character study more than a set piece-driven story—but also the filmmaking and construction of what we see onscreen. Director/co-writer Todd Phillips pushed for a gritty, naturalistic aesthetic that reflected the world inhabited by Joaquin Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck, and everything we see in the film is from Arthur’s point of view. Indeed, subjectivity plays a major role as the …
If you have questions after seeing Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker, that's the point.
Typical superheroes in cinema fit into the usual good guy tropes, but these ten morally ambiguous heroes aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
SPOILER WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for Joker. If you have not yet seen the film, continue at your own risk!
Joker director Todd Phillips refuses to clarify the lingering mysteries left at the ending of Warner Bros. and DC's film starring Joaquin Phoenix.
Did Walter White truly die at the end of the Breaking Bad series finale? We break down the arguments and explain what it means for the movie.
One of my favorite movies I caught on the festival rounds last year was Piercing, the stylish and surreal horror/thriller/romance from Eyes of My Mother director Nicolas Pesce. Inspired by the novel by Ryū Murakami (who also wrote the novel Takashi Miike's Audition was based on,) Piercing stars Christopher Abbott as Reed, an every man husband and father trying to quell his dark desires after the birth of his daughter. Under the guise of a business trip, Reed heads to a hotel and calls an escort with murder on the mind, but when the mysterious young woman (…