Chris Hemsworth explains the dangerous recreational activity he did during Extraction's production that could have gotten him seriously injured.
A movie based on Matchbox toy cars is coming, and it may have found the perfect director.
Chris Hemsworth's Limitless co-star explained just how "obscene" the Thor actor's training was for Extraction 2.
Netflix's Extraction movies might get the video game treatment after a $400 million deal between the Russo brothers and Tokyo-based publisher Nexon.
Jake Gyllenhaal is set to play John Prophet in a comic book adaptation by Extraction's director Sam Hargrave.
Netflix has given us a first look at what's next for the hit action franchise.
Chris Hemsworth and the rest of the Extraction 2 team will now be rolling cameras elsewhere.
The director of the action hit talks about plans to continue the franchise.
The Russo brothers have revealed that they are working on building out an entire cinematic universe from Netflix's Extraction.
Chris Hemsworth's Extraction became the biggest movie on Netflix, and now The Russo Brothers have teased when filming will begin on the sequel.
Chris Hemsworth's Extraction was one of the most popular movies on the streaming service, and now the Thor actor has revealed how many movies they're planning on making.
Scientists have been unable to conclude that ancient DNA can viably last for millions of years inside insects preserved in resin, thus dampening the hopes of real-life John Hammonds everywhere.
Chris Hemsworth showing charm and gratitude in new comment just for the fans.