
Racetime (French: La Course des tuques) is a Canadian computer-animated film, directed by Benoît Godbout and released in 2018. A sequel to the 2015 film Snowtime! (La Guerre des tuques 3D), the film focuses on the same group of children organizing a sled race over their winter holiday.

MPAA Rating:PG
Genre:Adventure, Animation, Musical
Directed By:Benoît Godbout, Jean-François Pouliot, François Brisson
Written By:Claude Landry, Maxime Landry, Lienne Sawatsky, Paul Risacher, Daniel Williams
Cast:Lucinda Davis, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Holly G. Frankel, Hugolin Chevrette-Landesque, Mehdi Bousaidan, Sonja Ball, Dawn Ford, Angela Galuppo, Tod Fennell, Anne Casabonne, Noel Fisher, Sophie Cadieux, Gabriel Lessard, Marguerite Damour, Éloïsa Laflamme-Cervantes
In Theaters:Nov 08, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 29 minutes
Production:CarpeDiem Film & TV
Box Office:$1,875,283
Available On:Amazon, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia