
Rocks is a British coming-of-age drama film, directed by Sarah Gavron and released in 2019. The film stars Bukky Bukray as Olushola, nicknamed "Rocks", a Black British teenage girl in London whose single mother abandons her and her younger brother Emmanuel (D’angelou Osei Kissiedu), forcing them to fend for themselves.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United Kingdom
Directed By:Sarah Gavron
Written By:Theresa Ikoko, Claire Wilson
Cast:Sarah Niles, Anastasia Dymitrow, Afi Okaidja, Sharon D. Clarke, Islah Abdur-Rahman, D'Angelou Osei Kissiedu, Layo-Christina Akinlude, Shola Adewusi, Shaneigha-Monik Greyson, Tawheda Begum, Kosar Ali, Ruby Stokes, Mohammad Amiri, Bukky Bakray, Brie-Morgan Appleton
In Theaters:Oct 11, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Production:Fable Pictures, British Film Institute (BFI) Production Board, Film 4, The Wellcome Trust, Head Gear Films, Kreo Films FZ, Metrol Technology
Available On:Netflix
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