In a recent interview, Adam Wingard shares an update on what takes so long to bring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta back to the big screen in Face/Off 2.
Nicolas Cage has been clued in on the wild story that’s been thought up for Face/Off 2.
In celebration of IGN's State of Streaming 2022, we need your help in deciding which Disney+ original TV series or movie is the best!
After thousands and thousands of battles, the IGN readers have decided which MCU movie or TV show they are most excited for. Is it one of the Avengers films? Black Panther: Wakanda Forever or Fantastic Four? Read on to find out...
From She-Hulk to Captain America: New World Order to Avengers: Secret Wars, we want to know which MCU movie or TV show you are most excited for.
After thousands and thousands of battles, the IGN readers have decided who the best Thor movie character is. Was it Thor Odinson himself? Or maybe Loki, Jane Foster, or Korg? Read on to find out...
In celebration of the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, we need your help in deciding who the best Thor character of all time is!
Face/Off 2 writer/director Adam Wingard wants to see Nicolas Cage back in the upcoming sequel, because it's "become totally the obvious way to go now.”
Is that Face/Off sequel be making headway? Nicolas Cage has news.
After thousands and thousands of battles, the IGN readers have decided which of Nicolas Cage's many performances was the very best. Was it Cameron Poe from Con Air or Castor Troy from Face/Off? Ben Gates from National Treasure? Read on to find out...
In celebration of the theatrical release of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and our look at the 40 most iconic Nicolas Cage performances of all time, we want to know what YOU think his best performance is!
After thousands and thousands of battles, the IGN readers have decided who the best Batman villain from film and TV is. Was it one of the many Jokers? Maybe Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman or Danny DeVito's Penguin? Read on to find out...
In celebration of The Batman, we need your help in deciding who the best Batman villain is!
Will Smith and Denzel Washington's Hollywood careers have been a fun Internet debate recently. Now, it's coming to a head at the 94th Oscars.
Just when you thought the world of celebrity alcohol brands couldn’t get more exciting, Mark Wahlberg reportedly wants to challenge The Rock and George Clooney for tequila-based supremacy.
After thousands and thousands of web-slinging battles, the IGN readers have decided who the best version of Spider-Man is. Was it Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland, or Andrew Garfield? Did one from the comics win or Into the Spider-Verse? Read on to find out...
Sylvester Stallone shared some amazing behind-the-scenes look at his face-off with Carl Weathers in Rocky.
In celebration of Spider-Man: No Way Home swinging into theaters, we need your help in deciding who the best version of Spider-Man is!
John Woo is jumping back into the action genre two decades after Face/Off with a Suicide Squad star headlining.