Well, we only have ourselves to blame for this most recent Adam Sandler news. The actor has been on the awards circuit over the last few months for his terrific performance in Uncut Gems, and was on the shortlist to receive a Best Actor Oscar nomination. During the run-up to the nominations announcement, Sandler went on Howard Stern and joked that if he didn’t get an Oscar, he would “come back and do [a movie] again that is so bad on purpose just to make you all pay.” Sandler, unfortunately, did not get an Oscar nomination, and today …
The first official trailer for The OA: Part II is finally here! And a little over two years since the Netflix hit first arrived, the second season itself will be available to stream in just a few weeks. The mysterious first season left viewers hanging with a "WTF is going on, exactly?" vibe by the end of its eight-episode run, but this new trailer is a bit more clear on things. A bit, not a lot. Much of the appeal of The OA is in its philosophical ponderings and gauzy veneer of mysticism that coats the story, and this … The post First Trailer for ‘The OA’ Season 2 Makes Good on Prairie’s Impossible Promise appeared first on Collider.