Created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson in 1940, few villains have haunted the imagination of pop culture like the Joker. For a major factor in the Joker's longevity as a character is the fact that there are so many facets to him, and a great deal of room for interpretation (just compare the performances of Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Mark Hamill and more). There are times in his history where he's been very much cast in the role of the clown; others when he's a damaged man in need of help; others yet where …
A reboot of the ghostly 2004 horror flick The Grudge—which itself was a remake of Japan's Ju-on: The Grudge—has been in the works since at least 2011, two years after the no good, very bad The Grudge 3 went straight to video. Finally, EW is here with a few concrete details and an interview with director Nicolas Pesce. The film is called Grudge, and the first images reveal a new horror played by Tara Westwood doing her terrifying thing right up in Lin Shaye's face. Why are ghosts always screaming at Lin Shaye? Lin Shaye …
Every seven years, Sony releases a new PlayStation console. In 2006, they released the PlayStation 3. In 2013, they released the PlayStation 4. And in 2020, they will release the (unofficially named) PlayStation 5. Wired has the first details on the upcoming console, and, unsurprisingly, it will be a bit of a powerhouse: PlayStation’s next-generation console ticks all those boxes, starting with an AMD chip at the heart of the device. (Warning: some alphabet soup follows.) The CPU is based on the third generation of AMD’s Ryzen line and contains eight cores of the company’s new …