Disneyland's hottest ride went Standby this week and the lines were crazy, but not always in the way you might think.
For the first time Walt Disney's World's Rise of the Resistance is giving the traditional standby line a try. So how well is it working out for guests?
Our long national virtual queue nightmare is over, at least for a little while.
Disney has continued to improve it's virtual queue system but there's one problem that really needs fixing.
Disney World and Disneyland just made dealing with virtual queues a lot easier.
Disneyland has now expanded virtual queues beyond Rise of the Resistance which could be a big deal.
One of the biggest attractions at Walt Disney World just made a major change.
Blizzard has recently implemented the biggest update to Overwatch since the hero limit, and it will dramatically change the game for everyone.
League of Legends has entered its ninth season and is still as popular as ever. With the season officially underway, everyone is looking to climb the ladder and advance their rank. While everyone wants to carry every game, it can be hard to follow the meta and know which champions are going to offer you the best chance to dominate. While every champion can be played to perfection, there are definitely some top tier picks that will give you an edge.