The only constants in this world are death, taxes, and James Cameron doing some crazy shit underwater whether anybody asked him to or not. Case in point: The latest behind-the-scenes photo from Avatar 2, courtesy of the film's social feeds, which shows off some of the underwater motion-capture at play. [caption id="attachment_790870" align="alignright" width="360"] Image via 20th Century Fox[/caption] Of course, by "some of the underwater motion-capture at play" I do mean it's a photo of actor Britain Dalton in a mo-cap suit riding another actor in a mo-…
With recent world events shutting down theaters and pushing films back into a TBD phantom zone, both audiences and pop cultures alike must look to streaming and VOD for that sweet, sweet Content. The new release options are, admittedly, bountiful. You could take in a clever, timely horror film with The Invisible Man. You can bask in a sultry forbidden romance with Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Or you can be like me, my friends, and descend into the milk-stained phantasmagoria known as Cats, the musical directed by an Oscar-winner, adapted from a Tony-winner, and only …