While Ryan Reynolds merely joked about Deadpool and Fast & Furious crossing over, I'm not opposed to the idea.
Hey, Transformers and G.I. Joe crossed over in the comics, why not in the movies?
Here are some of the greatest reasons why these two box office behemoths should join forces.
It's the sort of Christmas magic you'd expect from The Christmas Chronicles!
The series finale of The Good Place included a surprise cameo from a fan-favorite on Parks and Recreation. Hint: This character loves woodworking.
Sony's Morbius trailer confirms that the Jared Leto movie exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Morbius almost crossed over with Blade in 1998.
New Mutants and Morbius are trying to bridge the gap between superhero movies and horror - here's why this is a smart idea.
Marvel Comics reveals their relaunched X-Men are about to go head-to-head with the Fantastic Four - over the fate of Franklin Richards!
Fans have been wondering if Spider-Man and Venom would share the silver screen again.
Joker director Todd Phillips firmly shot down any possibility of a future crossover with The Batman.
Marvel's Runaways and Cloak & Dagger TV shows are confirmed for a crossover episode during Runaways season 3 when it premieres on Hulu.