Married at First Sight's Jamie Otis shares a tribute on her Instagram in honor of the three year anniversary of the miscarriage of her son.
Meet the five couples that getting Married at First Sight on season 10 of the hit Lifetime series that is set to premiere in January 1st.
Married at First Sight has been renewed for two more seasons with extended seasons as well as longer episodes that will be jammed packed with drama
Married at First Sight’s Jamie Otis reveals her baby's 2020 due date after suffering multiple miscarriages in their past year-and-a-half journey.
Married at First Sight’s Jamie and Elizabeth don’t have ‘crazy fights’ anymore since the cameras have stopped rolling, saying they want to be happy.
The couples from Lifetime's Married at First Sight season 8 are sharing what their first year of marriage has been like after the show.
Married at First Sight's Iris is disappointed with her husband Keith over saying she is not sexually mature, claiming he does not know her well.
Married at First Sight's Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner announced that they're pregnant with their second child following multiple miscarriages.
Married at First Sight contestant Matt Gwynne tells his new bride Amber Bowles not to change who she is in order to make their relationship work.
Married at First Sight star Jamie Thompson wishes he could start over with his wife Elizabeth Bice after watching their blowout fights on TV.
Lifetime's Married at First Sight star Amber Bowles says her new husband Matt Gwynne isn't actually ready to commit to her and their marriage.
Reality TV shows have become very far-reaching in recent years. Before, we had rather harmless shows like Disaster Date, but now, with people wanting more of the “reality” aspect in these shows, they have become all too familiar with reality. People like to tune in to watch things that are actually happening as opposed to stuff that is fabricated, and Married at First Sight fits the bill here.