The Wish filmmakers and Chris Pine share the movie's villain almost had a villain sidekick in our exclusive interviews.
Matthew McConaughey talks about being with his partner Camila Alves for 17 years and how people change over time.
Killer shark movies have been a staple of horror's creature feature sub-genre for decades and have run the gamut from terrifying to ridiculous.
John Rambo isn't a typical action movie hero; Sylvester Stallone's jaded war veteran only wants his country to love him as much as he loves it.
Doctor Who's TARDIS key has been through nearly as many changes as the Doctor. Let's take a look at its evolution over the years.
There's nothing quite like seeing a scary movie for the first time. The unknown and tension-filled atmosphere of horror films rely so much on those first viewings when they can catch an audience by surprise. Some horror movies can be extremely scary the first time you see them only too lose a lot of that suspense when revisited. One the opposite end of things, there are those few great entries in the genre which can be watched again and again and still give audiences the creeps.