Bill Pullman reflects on making Casper, and the warning Steven Spielberg gave him about inflating the production cost in one scene.
Boy Kills World is being compared to movies like John Wick, The Hunger Games and Kingsman as it hits theaters.
Boy Kills World['s] side-scrolling thrills can lead to some pretty amazing action, but lack the story that makes such excitement worth following.
Party on, dude, and enjoy the best lines from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is still excellent, but I am still trying to figure out how the time travel makes any sense.
A viral TikTok with Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire stars sees actors like Bill Murray and Paul Rudd handing down advice to a child.
Peter Venkman's return in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire didn't come without pain and "torture" for star Bill Murray, thanks to those proton packs.
Here's why I'm excited that We We Do in the Shadows' Matt Berry is part of the cast of the Bill Hader-led animated Cat in the Hat movie.
Fans of The Crow have a lot of thoughts after seeing Bill Skarsgård's look for the remake and comparing it to Brandon Lee's version.
The ending of Lost In Translation is widely discussed, with many continuing to wonder what Bill Murray whispered to Scarlett Johansson at the end of the movie.
William Shatner talks about the iconic Star Trek term "go boldly" and his interpretation of it in his documentary trailer.
There's a reason we're seeing an influx of sexual assault cases against celebrities like Jamie Foxx.
Bill Murray ruled the '80s and '90s at the box office for good reason. He was really funny. Here are some of his best quotes that kept him on top.
The biggest "R" I feel is regret. Regret that I should have seen this movie sooner, but at least I've seen Kill Bill now and can share my thoughts about Quentin Tarantino's epic revenge flick.
Bill Skarsgård reveals where his character is from and what he wants in John Wick: Chapter 4.
Vivica A. Fox is going viral for being featured in a Kill Bill-themed music video, but what's going on with that third movie?
Geena Davis had offered more details about her experiences with Bill Murray.
Bill Engvall says Will Smith’s infamous slap is partly responsible for his retirement.