Dark Souls 2 provides its player base with a wide variety of options in their class selection. This guide will provide an overview of each class.
Slave Knight Gael is the final boss of the ringed city DLC in Dark Souls 3. This guide will teach players how to defeat the fearsome enemy.
The Nameless King is accepted as the hardest boss fight within Dark Souls 3. This guide will provide tips and tricks to dethrone the Nameless King.
The infamous Dark Souls 2 is one of the most difficult video games ever made. This guide will teach players how to survive the brutal experience.
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E3 2019 doesn't officially start until June 11, but we've already got some mighty spicy looks at the next few years of video gamin'. Yesterday brought the first gameplay footage from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but today managed to top it with this two-second video of Keanu Reeves saying "cyberpunk" like Cookie Monster. Wait, sorry, no, today topped it with the epic trailer for Elden Ring for the XBOX, From Software's game set in a fantasy world cooked up by A Song of Ice and Fire mastermind George R.R. Martin and Dark Souls creator …
Solaire of Astora is an immensely popular character from the hit video game series, Dark Souls. Making appearances in both Dark Souls 1 and 3, the cheerful Knight has become a fan favorite due to his positive attitude, growth with the player, and one particular pose that has resonated with players and sparked a meme. Of course, we're talking about the Praise The Sun gesture.
Dark Souls is considered by many in the gaming community to be a masterpiece not because it is a difficult game, that would be an understatement. Dark Souls is held in such high regard because it seamlessly combines together separate game systems and mechanics that other games would have failed to harmonically blend.
The Dark Souls series probably have some of the most memorable bosses in gaming because any player who has come across them will surely associate them with some intense emotions. Sometimes it can be fear due to their design, other times they inspire awe, but most of the time, they induce rage - enough to reduce a grown man to a bawling infant.
The Dark Souls series changed the face of gaming forever. It's become a living trope and a symbol for hardcore gamers everywhere. Few games have the reputation for relentless brutality that any Dark Souls title does. Even seasoned gamers approach the challenge of playing through a Dark Souls game with a sigh to steel their nerves. For reasons that will never be clear to less fanatical players, this hasn't lessened the fervor of the games' fans.
Quantity over quality. That's what best describes Dark Souls 2's take on the notoriously difficult gaming franchise. That's both a good and bad thing. On one hand, we have a grand total of 41 bosses (including expansions). On the other hand, more than half of them were unnecessary, poorly designed, or just embarrassing tryhards compared to the bosses of the original Dark Souls or even Dark Souls 3.