A new Van Helsing project is reportedly in the works at Universal, directed by Overlord's Julius Avery.
Van Helsing the most famous vampire hunter out there, but the Syfy show and Hugh Jackman's movie have a lot of differences.
SyFy main characters Wynonna Earp and Vanessa Van Helsing have some pretty similar traits — but also some serious differences.
Netflix and BBC's Dracula series, from the creators of Sherlock, adapts Bram Stoker's lore in unique ways, including a major gender swap.
Van Helsing, Syfy's vampire hunter television series, gets renewed for a fifth and final season ahead of its season 4 finale this week.
Syfy’s Van Helsing season 2 ending was full of major revelations about the vampire-hunting dynasty – here’s how the final episode played out.
If you love shows featuring main characters who are descendants of famous people and are following in their progenitor's footsteps (think Wynonna Earp), then you are going to love Van Helsing. Set in a world overrun with vampires, this Syfy series follows Vanessa Van Helsing (Kelly Overton), a relative of Abraham Van Helsing, AKA the doctor/vampire hunter from the 1897 novel, Dracula.