The Oscar nominations for the 93rd annual Academy Awards have been announced, with David Fincher's Mank leading the pack with ten nominations.
These films do not capture someone's entire life in two hours, but at least leave the impression of one.
You may have heard of Orson Welles, but who are these other people?
Here are some behind the scenes facts about the film that might interest you.
From our interview with actress Amanda Seyfried about Netflix's new David Fincher movie, Mank.
Netflix in December means David Fincher's Mank, Part 2 of Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy, Jurassic Park, and more!
This is one of the last big Netflix movies of 2020.
Mank, the new movie from director David Fincher, is a delicate dance between a love letter to the complexities and outsized personalities involved in Hollywood’s Golden Era, and a searing indictment of how powerful media titans warp public perception to further their own ends. On paper, Mank should be my favorite film of the year. It’s from one of my favorite directors, it deals with one of my favorite eras of history, and if you follow me on Twitter, you know I’m far too interested with political media, especially given the events of the past four years. …
Fincher’s Mank is far more dazzling and snappy than the director’s previous biopic, The Social Network, yet the black and white drama doesn’t capture the magic of its subject.
We're still over a month away from the Netflix launch of David Fincher's Mank, but critics who've seen the auteur's new black-and-white Hollywood drama are now weighing in. The folks who were able to watch Mank in advance of its December 4th Netflix release took to social media on Thursday to react. In doing so, we can now get a better feel of Mank's awards season chances and a clearer picture of how Fincher's big creative swings shape up. Working from a script written by his father, the late Jack Fincher, the …
In many ways, Mank feels like a departure from David Fincher's usual aesthetic style. A black-and-white drama written by Fincher's father, the late Jack Fincher, Mank is set in Hollywood in the 1930s and '40s. It tells the story of alcoholic, troubled screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz's (Gary Oldman) attempts to reignite his career by drawing from his own experiences with newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst (Charles Dance) and Hearst's paramour, actress Marion Davies (Amanda Seyfried). Mank later turns those relationships into the script which eventually becomes Citizen Kane. Based on the most recent trailer, Mank …
On the heels of the full trailer for David Fincher’s Mank, we now have some incredible behind-the-scenes photos from the production, which according to Vashi Nedomansky took 210(!) days. Like the film, these stills are in black-and-white, and really serve to play up the Old Hollywood glamour and decadence that Fincher’s film looks to convey. What’s amazing is that you have a photo for every single day of the production, so that’s 210 images you can peruse while you get amped for the first Fincher feature in six years. Looking through these …
Netflix has released the official trailer for Mank, which transports Oscar-winner Gary Oldman and an equally starry cast back to 1930s Hollywood. Why? Well, because director David Fincher is interested in examining the making of one of the biggest movies ever made, Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, and the drama surrounding the life of its screenwriter, Herman Mankiewicz. [caption id="attachment_926343" align="alignright" width="360"] Image via Netflix[/caption] Building on the first trailer, the official Mank trailer goes even deeper into teasing the many troubles swirling around Herman "Just call me Mank" Mankiewicz (Oldman). Yes, there's the promises …