Faustus Blackwood and Albus Dumbledore are extremely unreliable headmasters. Here's 5 reasons why Faustus is the worst, and 5 why Dumbledore is.
Sex Education season 2 makes Headmaster Groff the main antagonist, villainizing him to such an extreme that it hurts the show overall.
Both are headmasters of schools with powerful students. But which is better? Dumbledore, the mentor of Harry Potter, or Xavier, the telepathic X-Men.
Many Harry Potter fans revere the wise, eccentric Albus Dumbledore. However, sometimes, his loose cannon ways made him a bad choice for headmaster.
Dumbledore is one of the most well-known and also controversial figures in Harry Potter. While he started off as a benevolent mentor figure to Harry who likely had a few secrets, he turned out to be a person who used and manipulated Harry to try and help save the world. We also learned of Dumbledore’s past with Grindelwald and his troubling past when it comes to Muggles, making it harder for many fans who like Dumbledore to defend him. As a headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore might not have been as great as it seems at face value, and there are likely other professors that could have done a better, more focused job.