February's Microsoft Game Pass additions are Final Fantasy 15 and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. These games give players some excellent value.
A lead level designer on Wolfenstein: Youngblood leaves Twitter following a wave of harassment apparently concerning the game's microtransactions.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood has microtransactions for cosmetic upgrades and this has caused a backlash from fans against the developers of the game.
The Wolfenstein: Youngblood ending sets up Wolfenstein 3 by taking B.J. Blazkowicz into the multiverse in order to stop Hitler's doomsday weapon.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood shakes up the formula of the series, but it doesn't quite live up to the potential of its new approach to fighting Nazis.
Here's how to use the Wolfenstein: Youngblood buddy pass system in order to play online co-op with a friend on only one copy of the game.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood reviews are in, and reviewers have found the game to be somewhat of a mixed bag of high-tech Nazi-killing action.