The ABC action dramedy Whiskey Cavalier follows Will Chase (Scott Foley), an FBI super-agent who’s in touch with his feelings, and Frankie Trowbridge (Lauren Cohan), a CIA operative who’s a bit more guarded when it comes to expressing her emotions, as they work together to lead an inter-agency team of spies. As loyal as they are flawed, the team – including Susan Sampson (Ana Ortiz), the FBI’s top profiler, Jai Datta (Vir Das), a CIA Weapons Specialist, and Edgar Standish (Tyler James Williams), a former NSA analyst and skilled hacker – save the world while also giving …
More interesting perhaps than Whiskey Cavalier itself is how hard ABC is pushing this series hoping for a hit (I think there have been promos and billboard since about 2012. That’s how long it feels, anyway). They might get it. The show has a charming cast, flashy action set-pieces, and a breezy premise. Sure, it inspires some eye-rolls and makes some bad choices, but there’s also a bomb concealed in a tampon package and frankly, that’s something new. There isn’t much else that’s new about Whiskey Cavalier, which feels retro in both good …