David Fincher was once attached to make World War Z 2, and he's ultimately glad that it didn't end up working out.
World War Z is a great movie! It's just not the book. Here are 6 major changes that the movie made from the book.
The Brad Pitt disaster movie was at the heart of a recent misinformation swell.
Legendary Entertainment has acquired Devolution, the latest book from World War Z author Max Brooks.
It's been nearly 15 years since World War Z was first published.
It feels easy to succumb to your own internal "Panic Mode" right now; believe me, I totally get it. And it might feel counterintuitive right now to want to watch something a little nerve-jangling, or perhaps something which hits closer to the bone than expected. But if the surge in interest for revisiting pandemic-related movies like Contagion and Outbreak in recent weeks can tell us anything, it's the surprising truth that maybe we just want to feel like we're not alone in this. Maybe we want to see how it would all play out, this pandemic …
As COVID-19 winds its way through countries and populations, varying countries have had differing responses. South Korea has been able to significantly get ahead of the virus through rigorous testing whereas Italy fell behind and has had to lock down the entire country. Plague is nothing new to humanity, and yet we were seemingly caught off guard by the speed and dispersal of coronavirus. How did this happen? Author Max Brooks, who grounded his zombie plague novel World War Z in reality (which is why the book is so much better than the movie), went on Reddit to explain …
Matthew Fox's role was mostly removed from World War Z following reshoots, but his paratrooper character originally served as a villain.
Brad Pitt's big budget zombie movie World War Z had an infamously troubled production, and here's what ended up getting changed by reshoots.
Developer Saber Interactive announces that Season 2 of World War Z begins with the Kill it With Fire update, which will introduces new story chapters.
The story behind David Fincher's canceled World War Z 2 apparently would have found Brad Pitt racing to find the creator of zombie killer virus.