Ten Days to Tulara

Tramp pilot Scott McBride goes to meet a Mr. Rodriguez who has a mission for him in the South American jungle. He turns out to be Cesar, Scotty's old enemy, who demands that Scotty fly him and his henchmen, on the lam on a robbery and murder charge, to a waiting ship on the other side of the continent.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Action, Adventure, Western
Country:Mexico, United States
Produced By:Laurence E. Mascott, Clarence Eurist, George Sherman
Directed By:George Sherman
Written By:Laurence E. Mascott
Cast:Barry Grail, Rafael Alcayde, Milton Bernstein, Carlos Múzquiz, Sterling Hayden, Paco Arenas, M. Badager, Félix González, Juan García, José Pulido, Grace Raynor, Tony Carbajal, Rodolfo Hoyos Jr.
In Theaters:Oct 29, 1958
Runtime:1 hour 17 minutes
Production:George Sherman Productions
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