In her eclectic filmography, featuring works like We Need to Talk About Kevin, Okja, and Doctor Strange, Tilda Swinton has always emanated an ethereal sense of otherworldliness, the vibe of "a compassionate alien who wants to study and communicate with humans in the best way she can." As it turns out (or perhaps this has always colored our image of her), Swinton behaves this elegantly and eccentrically offscreen, too. At the 2020 Venice Film Festival, Swinton won a Golden Lion lifetime achievement award (via Variety). And her acceptance speech is just something you need experience for yourself. [caption id="attachment_773184" …
The Comey Rule, the upcoming Showtime miniseries adaptation of former FBI director James Comey's book A Higher Calling, had a curious airdate. The show, diving into the explosive relationship between Comey (Jeff Daniels) and President Donald Trump (Brendan Gleeson), was going to air after the 2020 presidential election in late November. Wouldn't it make more sense to air an information-revealing series about Trump before the nation has the chance to reelect him again? That's what The Comey Rule's director Billy Ray thought. And after he shared an impassioned email with the powers that be (per …