Now that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 2 has gotten the green light, here's another character who should join Shredder in the sequel.
Mutant Mayhem director Jeff Rowe teased how Shredder will be a much more frightening villain compared to Ice Cube's Superfly.
Funko's sixth and final Target-exclusive TMNT reveal features a stylized take on Super Shredder. Check out this cool new figure and the other TMNT reveals, and find out how to preorder one for yourself.
The Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles have joined forces in a comic crossover, but Shredder will be taking on both - as the NEW Green Ranger!
The first trailer for Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is here, and it's as amazing as you might have expected. Not only do we get to see the classic comic book characters duke it out in the early going, we also get to experience their eventual team-up against fan-favorite villains from both franchises. And we might even see said villains come to life in all new ways if the introduction of T.C.R.I.'s mutagenic ooze has any part to play ... The all-star cast is led by Troy Baker (Batman: Arkham Origins, The …