This never-before-seen Superboy design by Kenneth Rocafort offers a glimpse of the Tom King comic that never got to join DC's New 52 reboot.
It's been a while since Superman met up with Conner Kent, his teenage clone, but it seems a reunion is in order in the pages of Action Comics #1022.
Shazam! colorist Michael Atiyeh tweeted artwork teasing the return of Superboy-Prime, who has not been seen in the DCU since before Flashpoint.
The CW's Superman and Lois series might be bringing in the Super-Sons as casting is underway for two series regulars who may be Superboy and Robin.
Join us in a journey back to 1989, when a young Joaquin Phoenix briefly put on the Superboy costume.
DC's Titans series has introduced a boy named Conner, cloned from Lex Luthor and Superman's DNA. Who is this mysterious new Superboy?
As Brian Michael Bendis relaunches The Legion of Super-Heroes for DC Comics, the futuristic teen team looks to add BOTH of DC's Super Sons!
Man of Steel became a subject of controversy with the advice Jonathan Kent gave young Clark - but DC Universe's Titans proves he was right.
The latest episode of DC Universe's Titans introduced viewers to Conner Kent, aka Superboy. But did it also kill a character off?
The official synopsis for the next episode of Titans season 2 teases Superboy's introduction and the arrival of other major comics characters.
The story of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns moves to the next generation of heroes in THE GOLDEN CHILD, with artist Rafael Grampá.
The latest episode of Young Justice: Outsiders, "Terminus," raises a big question - should Superboy and Nightwing lead their own superhero teams?
The latest episode of Young Justice revealed a stunning breach of trust by Miss Martian. Can she and Superboy save their relationship after this?
Young Justice: Outsiders is building to Superboy wedding - and Superman is going to be the best man. Here's why that's such a big deal.
Sony Pictures has released the first red-band clip from Brightburn. Produced by James Gunn and directed by David Yarovesky, the upcoming horror film re-imagines the origin story of Superman but instead of becoming a hero, an alien child with superpowers becomes a villain instead. In this clip, you can see how Yarovesky aims to build tension by almost approaching the scene like a slasher film, as if a superhero wandered into a Friday the 13th movie. There are also some cool touches like how the hapless victim is half-blinded by getting glass in her eye so the …