The Nut Job

In the late 1950s fictional town of Oakton City, a squirrel named Surly and his mute rat partner Buddy reside in Liberty Park where their thieving reputation has made them outcasts. A group of urban animals led by Raccoon and his cardinal assistant are running low on food for winter. Compassionate squirrel, Andie, and glory hogging squirrel, Grayson, compete with Surly and Buddy to scavenge from a nut cart run by Lucky and Fingers who are casing a bank. The squirrels' efforts inadvertently end with the cart's propane tank exploding in the park after its cord was bitten by Fingers' pug Precious. The runaway cart ends up destroying the animals' food supply, resulting in Surly's banishment from the park.

MPAA Rating:PG
Genre:Crime, Adventure, Animation, Family, Comedy
Country:Canada, United States, Republic of Korea
Produced By:Chae Yoon, Byungho Nam, Daniel Woo, Hoe Jin Ha, Woo-Kyung Jung, Hyungkon Kim, Hong Kim, William Bindley, Hakbeom Kim, Tom Yoon, Young Jun Kim, Hongjoo Ahn, Mike Karz, Robert Eckmann, William Woojae Hahn, Graham Moloy, Hojeong Kim, Yeongshin Kang, Min Suk Yang
Directed By:Peter Lepeniotis
Written By:Lorne Cameron, Robert Reece, Peter Lepeniotis, Daniel Woo
Cast:Katherine Heigl, Psy, Annick Obonsawin, Julie Lemieux, Katie Griffin, Liam Neeson, Will Arnett, James Rankin, Maya Rudolph, Brendan Fraser, Scott McCord, Joe Pingue, Gabriel Iglesias, Sarah Gadon, Scott Yaphe, John Liam Williams, Jeff Dunham, Stephen Lang
In Theaters:Jan 17, 2014
Runtime:1 hour 25 minutes
Production:Open Road Films, Endgame Entertainment, Gulfstream Pictures, Redrover Co. Ltd., ToonBox Entertainment
Box Office:$64,251,541
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Netflix, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia