The cast of the hit Amazon series The Boys have teamed up for a new video, this time an actual PSA. On the heels of the trailers and images and posters we’ve seen previewing the R-rated series’ second season, cast members Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Laz Alonso, Tomer Kapon, Jessie Usher, and Aya Cash have teamed up to ask everyone to please wear a fucking mask. Indeed, this PSA is delightfully NSFW as it’s full of the colorful language that makes The Boys so fun, but it’s also for a good cause. …
Fuck, Uncut Gems is such a great movie. The Safdie Brothers' butt-clenching tale of a jeweler (Adam Sandler) digging himself deeper and deeper into a greed-fueled hole is not only a brilliantly-realized crime-thriller, but also holds the unique distinction of saying the word "fuck" the fourth-most times in film history*. Who needs an Oscar? Some mad genius at Netflix recently took the time to isolate every "fuck" in Uncut Gems, all 560 of them, and it's truly awe-inspiring. Take four minutes out of your day and witness this art. Check out the video …
History has its eyes on two...out of the three "fucks" in Hamilton. Pretty much from the moment Lin-Manuel Miranda announced that his groundbreaking and impossible-to-see stage play would debut digitally on Disney+, questions arose over just how the kid-friendly, butt-censoring streaming service would handle the three "fucks" in the show. Miranda finally took to Twitter to answer the question: One "fuck" will remain, but we lose two "fucks" to ensure a PG-13 rating. [caption id="attachment_871524" align="alignright" width="360"] Image via Joan Marcus[/caption] According to Miranda, the song "Yorktown" will have "…