The Last Days

The Last Days is a documentary, directed by James Moll and produced by June Beallor and Kenneth Lipper in 1998. Steven Spielberg was one of the executive producers, in his role as founder of the Shoah Foundation. The film tells the stories of five Hungarian Jews during the Shoah. It focuses on the horrors of life in the Nazi concentration camps, but also stresses the optimism and desire to survive of the survivors.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Documentary, War
Country:United States
Produced By:Fransciszek Palowski, Ken Lipper, June Beallor, Victor Trakhtenberg, Aaron Zarrow, Elyse Katz, Steven Spielberg
Directed By:James Moll
Cast:Randolph Braham, Karl Bodenschatz, Joseph Goebbels, Renee Firestone, Bill Basch, Martin Basch, Paul Parks, Warren Dunn, Arno Breker, Tom Lantos, Hans Frank, Alice Lok Cahana, Dario Gabbai, Katsugo Miho, Michael Cahana, Hans Münch, Hermann Göring, Robin Zisblatt, Bernard Firestone, Irene Zisblatt
In Theaters:Jul 15, 1999
Runtime:1 hour 27 minutes
Production:Ken Lipper/June Beallor production, Shoah Foundation, Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
Box Office:$421,432
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