Don't Play Us Cheap

Trinity and Brother Dave are a pair of demons looking for a party to break up. They come across a party in Harlem. Although Trinity is eager, Dave warns him not to touch it. "When black folks throw a party, they don't play!" Trinity joins the party, already in progress, thrown by Miss Maybell in honor of her niece Earnestine's birthday.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Musical, Romance
Country:United States
Produced By:Jerry Weissman, Melvin Van Peebles, Charles Blackwell
Directed By:Melvin Van Peebles
Written By:Melvin Van Peebles
Cast:Frank Carey, Rhetta Hughes, Mabel King, Avon Long, Joshie Armstead, Joe Keyes Jr., Esther Rolle, Nate Barnett, Jay Van Leer, Thomas Anderson, George Ooppee McCurn, Robert Dunn
In Theaters:N/A
Runtime:1 hour 39 minutes
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