I saw Ryan Reynold's IF in theaters and it made me cry and miss a classic Cartoon Network cartoon.
If you're looking to get hungry, here are the scenes that will surely accomplish that.
Nearly 20 years after it was released, Wedding Crashers is still hilarious.
Rebel Wilson didn't hold back when discussing the weight gain she's experienced due to her work priorities.
Here are six Timothée Chalamet Performances that have me excited for Wonka.
Christopher Guest and his crew of genius actors have provided some of my most cherished one liners.
Jennifer Garner’s 13 Going on 30 Thriller dance may be great, but her ballet video is hysterical.
Michael Caine claims he's finally ready to retire, and the reason he gives has me thinking it's actually going to happen this time.
Like many of us, Midnight Mass' Mike Flanagan is looking at the skies differently after the release of Jordan Peele's Nope.
Don't Make Me Go features excellent performances from John Cho and Mia Isaac, but it stumbles big at the finish line.
Brie Larson can't stop, won't stop sharing epic workout videos ahead of The Marvels.
We’re a little less than two weeks away from the launch of Sony’s PlayStation 5, and if you’re one of the lucky few who managed to successfully pre-order one, I have two things to say: first, I hate you, and second, you absolutely must watch this extended gameplay trailer for Demon’s Souls. The action RPG remake by PlayStation Studios and Bluepoint Games is one of the PS5’s launch titles, and true to its dark fantasy setting, it looks hideously gorgeous. We get to see a handful of basic enemies in the trailer, all dispatched …
Grounded has an official synopsis, but it can basically be summed up as "Honey I Shrunk the Kids: The Game." That was my understanding of Obsidian Entertainment's new small-in-size but big-in-heart title before I had a chance to check out a sneak peek of their new update. Now, I'm wondering if the experience of the shrunk-down survival game is enough to justify buying my first-ever Xbox because I kinda want to play the Xbox/PC title immediately. To catch you up to speed if you aren't familiar with Grounded, it's …
The world does not need another Batman movie. In the last decade alone, the Batman character has appeared in no less than five movies, and his origin story is approaching Spider-Man levels of “OMG we know already.” And yet, the recently released trailer for the upcoming reboot The Batman has me genuinely excited to see another story of this Caped Crusader, and it’s all to do with the genuinely refreshing approach that co-writer and director Matt Reeves appears to be taking with the material. To explain why The Batman looks so refreshing, it’s important to remember …
Why have one mega-successful zombie TV show when you can have two? AMC's Fear the Walking Dead, a companion series to, naturally, The Walking Dead, comes from the imaginations of original comic book creator Robert Kirkman and Sons of Anarchy writer Dave Erickson. With a brilliant, inclusive ensemble cast and ironically sunswept Mexican vistas underscoring the visceral and psychological carnage, Fear the Walking Dead has, over its 5 seasons, carved out its own identity separate from (and to some folks, better than) its more well-known predecessor. Now, we've got a first look at season 6 below -- …
That's a lot of Harley for a film called Birds Of Prey.
Recently, I sat down to watch the new sitcom Fam, excited to see Nina Dobrev play Clem, a New York City girl, far outside of the world of vampires. A few minutes into the show, I was already into it, cracking up and just so happy that no doppelgangers were trying to kill her — OK I’ll stop with the Vampire Diaries references. Then, when I was really sinking my teeth into it — sorry last one! — I experienced a sudden shift in emotion as we were introduced to Clem’s estranged father. For those of you who haven’t seen …