Short Cuts

A fleet of helicopters sprays for medflies and reveals all the characters along the path of their flight. Dr. Ralph Wyman and his wife, Marian, meet another couple, Stuart and Claire Kane, at Zoe Trainer's cello concert and make a spontaneous Sunday dinner date. Marian's sister, Sherri, is married to philandering cop Gene, who invents unbelievable stories to hide his affair with Betty Weathers. Betty is in the process of divorcing one of the helicopter pilots, Stormy. Waitress Doreen Piggot is married to an alcoholic limo driver, Earl. Television commentator Howard Finnigan lives with his wife, Anne, and their young son, Casey, next door to Zoe and her mother, cabaret singer Tess. Their pool cleaner is Jerry Kaiser, whose wife, Lois, works from home as a phone sex operator by tending to the children while she talks off strange men. Jerry and Lois are friends with Doreen's daughter, Honey, and her husband, Bill, who works as a makeup artist. Read more on Wikipedia.