As Machine Gun Kelly stopped in Omaha, Nebraska ahead of his latest arena show, one of his tour buses was tagged.
Jackass Forever star Johnny Knoxville reflects on one of the most unfortunate injuries Jackass has given him.
Army of the Dead just left itself open to so many Snyder Cut jokes.
The WandaVision actor breaks down one change made to his character's birth during Age of Ultron.
Vision is getting new life in WandaVision, but it turns out that he was nearly anatomically correct thanks to Joss Whedon.
Paul Bettany says his MCU character almost showed off his genitals during his introductory scene thanks to director Joss Whedon.
In case you thought you'd never seen a major film director's penis before.
Caitlyn Jenner and NBA star Blake Griffin made numerous jokes about Jenner's "retired" penis at Comedy Central's The Roast of Alec Baldwin.