There are so many iconic '90s movie characters, but we came up with a list of our favorites.
Character actors might not be as famous as their star counterparts, but they are just as important to great movies. Here's our list of 32 supporting actors who were in a lot of movies in the '80s and '90s.
A great documentary tells a story and entertains. It's a fine line to walk, but the best ones seemingly do it with ease. Just like these, our list of some truly great documentaries.
There were a lot of great sci-fi movies in the '90s. Here are some of the very best.
The 1990s were full of great examples of movies that have become stone-cold classics but didn't make nearly as much in their theatrical run as you might have expected. This is a list of those movies.
Adam Sandler will reportedly make a sequel to a ‘90s classic of his.
Here are some of the best '90s kids sports movies and all the different ways to watch them.
A lot of the classic movies we grew up with in the 90s were great when we were children, but that's unfortunately not the case today.
Want to take a trip down memory lane and see some unforgettable and incredible mean '90s movies villains?
Here are 20+ of the best family movies from the '90s that hold up remarkably well all these years later.
The 1990s were an eden of high-octane action blockbusters that have managed to stand the test of time. Here are the best of the best.
Lily Gladstone explained how she bought Leonardo DiCaprio's Titanic on VHS, and I'm so here for all the '90s nostalgia.
Dwayne Johnson dressed up as his '90s self and somehow he pulls it off.
There were so many classic moments from Steve Martin across these two decades in comedies like Father of the Bride and Three Amigos.
Here are 32 beloved Hollywood stars who lived to be older than 90.
'90s movies can be quite complicated, especially if you're a kid character in blockbusters like Jurassic Park or Terminator 2!
If you want to see a really good movie, but have less than 90 minutes, then consider this rundown the hall of fame for such delights.
Bill Murray ruled the '80s and '90s at the box office for good reason. He was really funny. Here are some of his best quotes that kept him on top.
Word’s come in that Fast & Furious lead Vin Diesel allegedly shot down a request for a major ‘90s action star to appear in the franchise.
Sometimes the supporting role is the best part of a great '90s movies, as demonstrated with these characters.