Screen Rant selects its 2019 Game of the Year, and it's one of the few titles to have earned a perfect review score from our staff this year.
The underdog pick of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice took the top prize of Game of the Year during 2019's The Game Awards, leaving favorites in the dust.
Around this time last year, I began my 100% journey through Red Dead Redemption 2, one of the rare titles I felt deserved what little free time and attention I had for such a feat. Now, I'll be attempting to do the same for The Outer Worlds. It's a welcome sci-fi RPG that features a single-player campaign rather than a MMO or free-to-play battle royale, and for those of us burned by games like Fallout 76 and Anthem, it's a title that actually lives up to its promises. The new, original IP from …
Insomniac's PS4-exclusive game, Marvel's Spider-Man, gets a Game of the Year Edition that includes all of its downloadable extra content.